Thanksgiving Break Reminder 2021
Greenery Fundraiser Update
There will be a change to the greenery order per the attached announcement. Every order will be filled but anyone who ordered the S4 Noble Fir Door Swag will instead receive a W2 Noble Fir Wreath. We wanted to make everyone aware of the small change. The orders for the fundraiser should be arriving at the school around November 29th and we will notify families when items will be ready for pick-up. Thank you!
Giving Tree Update 2021
2021 Elementary Christmas Concert
Parent Meeting for Lion Cub Basketball
There is no school for the elementary (K-6) on Monday, November 15.
On Friday, November 19 there is no school for grades K-12.
Tomorrow is We Are Family Friday! Please wear your Den colors to show your Den Pride!!!
MES and Den shirts are on order! Both companies we ordered from are experiencing issues with their distributors. Shirts will hopefully be in before Thanksgiving break. Thank you so much for your patience.
2021 Lion Cub Basketball Registration Form/Fee Due Nov. 12th
Morrill Elementary Giving Tree 2021
Veterans Day Program 2021
No School Reminder (November 2021)
Please see the attached flyer for the days in November that the elementary school will not be in session. Thank you!
2021 Lion Cub Basketball
Please take note that the 2021 Lion Cub Basketball registration forms should have come home with your students today. If you're interested in having your student participate, please return the registration form along with the registration fee by Friday, November 12th. For questions, please reach out to Coach Lofink at 308-765-8301 or via email at Thank you!
2021 School Pictures
If you ordered school pictures, please check your student's backpacks on Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021 for them. Thanks!
Picture Retake Day -- Monday, November 8th
For anyone that missed having their picture taken or was not satisfied with their original picture, please take note that the elementary will have their picture retake day on Monday, November 8th. Please read through the following policy regarding picture retakes. Thank you!
Pride Wrestling Club
November 2021 Breakfast/Lunch Menu
Please find attached the November 2021 Breakfast/Lunch Menu.
School will dismiss at 1:50 on Thursday.
Conferences will be held from 3-8pm.
Please sign up for a conference time on Bloomz.
Parent/Teacher Conferences and Calendar Change
Please read the following note with regard to Parent/Teacher Conferences, early dismissals, and the days we are out of school. On November 2nd, 2021, the elementary will not have school due to professional development. This day was not on the original school calendar so please take note of the change. Thank you!
Mark your calendars! There are some schedule changes in the upcoming days!
School will dismiss at 1:50 on Tuesday.
Conferences will be held from 3-8pm.
Please sign up for a conference time on Bloomz.