Don't forget! Volleyball shirt orders are due tomorrow! Make checks out to Morrill Public Schools or include exact cash.
If you have questions, contact Coach Walker (
Thanks for your support.
This year we are seeing if our Lions can RUN A MARATHON.
Every morning, starting at 7:40, students have the chance to run a few laps of our course to earn miles. The miles will be tracked and our goal is 26.2 miles by October. Meet at the flagpole to start your journey.
We can't wait to see our Lions Run!
Check out this information about the Morrill Elementary PTO.
We have some exciting plans for our school and students, we'd love to have your help.
Lion Gear - Online Store
We are excited to announce this year that we have an online store that is available all year long to purchase Morrill Gear! The below link has a great variety of Morrill Lion Gear that can be ordered anytime during this school year and the orders are shipped immediately. Feel free to visit the link and stock up on some Morrill Gear to show your Morrill Pride! Thanks everyone!
During the 2022-2023 school year we will dismiss early on every Friday. School will end at 1:50 pm each Friday. Buses will run accordingly.
Please check with your child today, our beginning of the year paperwork went home.
Read and discuss everything with your family. There are many sheets that need to be signed and returned.
Thank you!
August 2022 Breakfast/Lunch Menu
Student meal accounts will be charged this year if they eat breakfast or lunch from the school, unless they qualify for free lunch.
Students may enter the building beginning at 7:40 each morning. They may go directly to their lockers and classrooms. Academic instruction will begin at 8:00.
In order to help with drop off and breakfast, we are asking students to use the 2 main doors to the building. Please see the map for more details.
If you have questions, call Mrs. Lackey at 247-2176.
Kindergarten Blast-Off -- Wednesday, August 17th
We will have Kindergarten Blast-Off on Wednesday, August 17th from 5:30-6:30 pm. Please refer to the attached flyer for all details.
Also, remember that ALL Kindergarten Registration Paperwork needs to be turned into the office prior to the start of school on August 18th. If your Kindergarten student is missing paperwork please bring it the night of blast-off to get it turned in. If your student has an appointment that is scheduled beyond the first day of school, please bring an appointment slip in place of the required document. Thanks everyone!
Jr. Football Parent Meeting (August 23, 2022)
Reminder for Open House & 2022-2023 Class Lists
Just a reminder that we will have a District Wide Open House tonight, August 15th. Please see the below flyer for details regarding the event.
Also, we wanted to let parents know that students will be able to find out who their teacher is tonight at Open House. Please visit the elementary school from 5:00-6:00 pm to pick up their teacher reveal card.
This year, we WILL NOT post class lists on the east side of the building as we have done in the past. If you are unable to make it to the Open House tonight, but you would still like to know who your student´s teacher is, please stop by the office to pick up their teacher reveal card or contact the elementary office at (308) 247-2176. Thanks everyone!!
Check out the back to school newsletter!
Kindergarten Blast-Off -- Wednesday, August 17th
All Kindergarten Registration Paperwork needs to be turned prior to the start of school on August 18th. Please stop by the office to drop off paperwork. The office is open 8:00 AM- 4:00 PM Monday-Friday. Thank you!
Back to School Bash -- August 15, 2022
2022-2023 School Calendar
Just wanted to let everyone know that school will start on Thursday, August 18th. Soak up what's left of summer and we will see you all soon!!
The K-12 2022-2023 Calendar is linked as a document on the website & can be found here:
1st Day of School is Thursday, August 18th.
Enjoy the rest of summer!
Morrill Volleyball is selling Little Caesars Pizza Kits!
Please help us raise money for our volleyball team! Money will be used for equipment and other player needs. We appreciate all your orders! GO Big BLUE 🏐🦁
*Contact any player or coach for ordering info/link*
Morrill Elementary Job Postings
2022-2023 School Supply List
It is that time of year again and the start of the new school year will soon be upon us! Please find attached the 2022-2023 school supply list for Kindergarten through 6th grade. We can't wait to see all of you in August! Enjoy the rest of your summer!!
Morrill Lions Football-
Congratulations again, Gavin! This young man is proof that if you put in the work and hold yourself to a standard, dreams come true!
#LionPride #nextlevellions #ALLIN