As we attend to the current swell of cases in Scottsbluff County and in our own school population, it is vital that we are attentive and diligent in our personal and collective illness monitoring. These are the protocols we are following at school and we are asking all parents to manage the Stay at Home protocols with regard to when students may return to school after fevers or symptomatic conditions:
Staff and students will be temperature checked three times daily.
Prior to students getting on the buses, prior to non-bus students entering the buildings, if they demonstrate a temperature higher than 100° they will not be permitted entry onto the bus or entry into the buildings. Parents will be notified that entry was not permitted.
Staff and Students should NOT take fever-reducing medication before coming to school.
Students and Staff who register above 100° will need to be fever free for at least 24 hours without fever reducing medication before returning to school.
Symptomatic students and staff must STAY AT HOME. Anyone at school who is demonstrating 3 or more symptoms, or a fever + one symptom will be sent home. They will need to stay home until they have been symptom free for at least 48 hours before returning to school.
We believe these procedures, coupled with the MASK MANDATE till Christmas Break will mitigate the current condition for the students and staff of Morrill Public Schools. We appreciate the overwhelming climate of cooperation we are experiencing with the parents, students and staff of our school system, and the pleasant partnership we have with the Panhandle Public Health and the Scotts Bluff County Health departments.